Chanel is a big designer brand of high-fashion originated by Coco Chanel. Its french, and specializes in haute couture and ready-to-wear clothes, luxury goods such as make-up, fragrences and fashion accesories. There are alot of fake blackmarket versions of the brand. However, a real bag or a hat made or purchased from a Chanel store could cost a customer over $5,000 + Thats why, many customers of the Chanel are wealthy and/or Celebrities. Chanel only adverstises their luxury goods, mostly make-up and perfume through commercial and magazine ads. C.Lagerfeld, is one of Chanel's original designers. He also promotes the brand through his well-known celebrity status. If I had the chance...or the money to purchase a real Chanel item for my mom or grandmother I would. I think this brand promotes class and elegance and expensiveness. I think people buy this brand just for the sake of saying they spent however much money on a Chanel item...The Chanel empire has stores all over the world. 5th Av. New York, Paris France etc. Through out the 1920's to 2012, alot of famous people have been photographed wearing the Chanel brand.
Thursday, 17 May 2012
Marketing Blog Summative: Luxury Brands
Chanel is a big designer brand of high-fashion originated by Coco Chanel. Its french, and specializes in haute couture and ready-to-wear clothes, luxury goods such as make-up, fragrences and fashion accesories. There are alot of fake blackmarket versions of the brand. However, a real bag or a hat made or purchased from a Chanel store could cost a customer over $5,000 + Thats why, many customers of the Chanel are wealthy and/or Celebrities. Chanel only adverstises their luxury goods, mostly make-up and perfume through commercial and magazine ads. C.Lagerfeld, is one of Chanel's original designers. He also promotes the brand through his well-known celebrity status. If I had the chance...or the money to purchase a real Chanel item for my mom or grandmother I would. I think this brand promotes class and elegance and expensiveness. I think people buy this brand just for the sake of saying they spent however much money on a Chanel item...The Chanel empire has stores all over the world. 5th Av. New York, Paris France etc. Through out the 1920's to 2012, alot of famous people have been photographed wearing the Chanel brand.
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