Thursday, 17 May 2012

Marketing Blog Summative: Digitial Communications Trends-the new promotions

Digital Communications

Digital Communications

Watching television you may see alot of digital communications during commercail breaks.
For example, watching Much Music they have a commerical that uses "Text your cell to" or "text this number to" to get a free giveaway or a chance to meet so and so.
This type of communications is very effective because so many people are vunerable and are very curious. They may also charge you the text time so its kind of like free direct advertisng in a way.

Online Advertising

Online advertising is can be sent from the company be e-mail, in that e-mail could be simple things such as coupons that can be printed out. Popular online communcation sites such as Facebook, Twitter and Yotube have alot of users and or get millions of millions of hits each day, so by advertising their good/service on these sites is a great way to attatch the link and spread word-of-mouth.

Mobile Communications

Mobile communications is a great way to send out events and notices about the companies good or service.  Promoting outdoor events, considering most people who use cellphones or any type of mobile device is not at home much. Through mobile communication, people can re-send these texts to their friends and family and so on and so forth.


Advergaming is a through way of communicating your company or brand through people.
Most marketers would advertise mostly games for smaller children and contests.
However, most teeens to adults are playing more in depth games online, this is an amazing way to

This video shows a game made by Coco Cola attacking the Pepsi brand through a simple attari game.

Social Media

Social Media is an extremely useful way of promoting ones' good or service, especially in today's society.
We use technology and social media or so many things, word-of-mouth has almost gone intinct, as for we now have the "re-tweet" and "share" button. Friends of friends or friend can see this and re blog.

Consumer-Generated Content

Consumer-generated content is a great way for the bsuiness to see just how much their customers/cunsomers enjoy their product and what they can improve on.
People facebook and tweet and retweet about a certain product and that makes others want to do the same think and like that product and or serive too.
You can see alot of consumer-generated content in videos through Youtube

This home-made video made by "Pocketnowvideo" explains his likes and dislikes about the Ipad.

 This video made by "McInflosh" I guess shows his love for M&Ms because it just shows him eating them, then he leaves.

Marketing Blog Summative: 7 Main Types of Promotion

There are several different things you should do when doing promiton and alot of things that need to be considered. For example of promotion strategies:
Above-the line, which is a promition that is based on paid-for-advertising in mass media.
Push Strategy that is used above-the-line promo to PUSH products ont o consumers- that tells them about what they are doing.
Below-the-line, is a promotion used more focused, and targeted to reach customers
and the Pull-strategy that uses below-the-line promo- and encourages consumers to demand the product.
Then theres the difficult part, deciding which promo methods to use, who they are targeting and what their objective is for the promotion.

7 Methods of Promotion

The first method in promotion is personal selling. Personal selling involves contact between both the company representative and who make purchases the decision. Also, selling face-to-face, telephone, text, bbm etc. The second method is called direct marketing. Direct marketing is sending mail, e-mails etc to the customer. This is a cheaper method of advertising. Then, there is advertising, doing advertising can be very rewarding, this is where a company can bring out there funner side of things and be really creative.
They advertise through televison, i.e commercials, newspaper ads, through the internet, i.e Facebook, Twitter, then theres outdoor, which can be done on high billboards for everyone to see and buses alot of different people ride etc. Next, there is public relations. Public relations is a certian type of promotion that uses a third-party source. For exapmle, the news. After that, comes sonsorship which is very crucial for supporting events and organizations. They can provide extra money and other valuable assets that are of value to the event. You can do sponsorships through the television, i.e Plan.
Followed by sales promotion that involves a use of special short-term techniques like, flyers, coupons and samples, little things like that, that matter to so many people. Finally, digital communications. This is a promotion made for the web, smartphones, or alot of other types of devices.
You can use digital communications through online advertising, advergaming nd social media.

Marketing Blog Summative: Price-related Representations

..What is the Competiton Act?

The Competition Act is a federal law governing most business conduct in Canada. It contains both criminal and civil provisions aimed at preventing anti-competitive practices in the marketplace.

Its purpose is to maintain and encourage competition in Canada in order to:
  • promote the efficiency and adaptability of the Canadian economy
  • expand opportunities for Canadian participation in world markets while at the same time recognizing the role of foreign competition in Canada
  • ensure that small and medium-sized enterprises have an equitable opportunity to participate in the Canadian economy
  • provide consumers with competitive prices and product choices.

Marketing Blog Summative: Extension Strategies

Hershey's Extension Strategey has a wide range of other well-known brands under the Hershey name.

Reese's Pieces, is owned by Hershey and is licensed under the name, and with that; Reese's Pieces has several different types of chocolate snacks out there. Theres the normal chocolate and peanut butter flavored, then theres M&M like, candies, then they have the bigger cup chocolate snack. Reese's Pieces ice cream etc.

The Company also owns Twizzlers Licorice.   

Marketing Blog Summative: Product Life Cycle

Product Life Cycle: Coca Cola
Coca Cola has been a corporation since 1944 in the United States and has branched off internationaly into being one of the most loved soft drinks among many people.
  In my opinion, Coca Cola has lasted as long as they did because of their original taste and their marketing flare. How they use saving the polar bears as a charity marketing strategy and amazing use of commerical advertising.
 They also have drinks for people of many health conditions such as; diabeties and people who enjoy drinking the product but want to stay healthy at the same time.

Doctor Pepper has been in business since 1885 in which they use that as part of their logo.
Many people enjoy this product. Doctor Pepper has a very unique taste, that differes from other cola flavors like; Pepsi and Coke. ( may people think they taste the same).
   To me, Doctor Pepper has lasted a long time as a
brand because of their unique taste and its a obvious thing that people love the product, otherwise it would have not lasted as long.

Crush Bevergae Company, has been in business since 1911, which owns Doctor Pepper.
Many people get this product mixed up with the other soft drink brand known as; Fanta, because both brands use similar colours.
   Me personally, think this brand has been around a long time for several reasons.
One, they have many, many different flavors to offer their customers such as; Orange crush , Cream Soda crush, Pineapple crush, Beer crush etc.  Also, they are the first company to event orange-flavored soda.

Marketing Blog Summative: Luxury Brands

Chanel is a big designer brand of high-fashion originated by Coco Chanel. Its  french, and specializes in haute couture and ready-to-wear clothes, luxury goods such as make-up,  fragrences and fashion accesories. There are alot of fake blackmarket versions of the brand. However, a real bag or a hat made or purchased from a Chanel store could cost a customer over $5,000 + Thats why, many customers of the Chanel are wealthy and/or Celebrities. Chanel only adverstises their luxury goods, mostly make-up and perfume through commercial and magazine ads. C.Lagerfeld, is one of Chanel's original designers. He also promotes the brand through his well-known celebrity status. If I had the chance...or the money to purchase a real Chanel item for my mom or grandmother I would.  I think this brand promotes class and elegance and expensiveness.  I think people buy this brand just for the sake of saying they spent however much money on a Chanel item...The Chanel empire has stores all over the world. 5th Av. New York, Paris France etc. Through out the 1920's to 2012, alot of famous people have been photographed wearing the Chanel brand.