The things that I think are accurate about my generation are that we are very 'technologic' people.
We grew up with the newer technology then all the other generations. We have it way easier then the last few. Learning and socializing have got way to easier to do.
We are crossing over into adulthood and are now understanding how to connect and interact with this new 'adulthood' conception.
I believe our generation will do a great job for Canada now that we are taking over. We understand the technology better then the Baby Boomers and Generation X. We are learning about the technology currently in schools seen as educationers are foceing the content onto us.
The future is going to be technology. Theres going to be more advanced cars, homes and computers. Computers are already starting to take over jobs, and car control. The only thing i'm worried about is the limited number of jobs within Canada, with current appedemics such as the Baby boomers living linger lives thatnks to advanced technology and medicinal practices. Immigrants taking over cheap and forced labor. And the over population world wide.
If this is to go on any further, more then half the population will be unemployed and where does that leave the welfare cheques?