Thursday, 23 February 2012


The things that I think are accurate about my generation are that we are very 'technologic' people.
We grew up with the newer technology then all the other generations. We have it way easier then the last few. Learning and socializing have got way to easier to do.
We are crossing over into adulthood and are now understanding how to connect and interact with this new 'adulthood' conception.
I believe our generation will do a great job for Canada now that we are taking over. We understand the technology better then the Baby Boomers and Generation X. We are learning about the technology currently in schools seen as educationers are foceing the content onto us.
The future is going to be technology. Theres going to be more advanced cars, homes and computers. Computers are already starting to take over jobs, and car control. The only thing i'm worried about is the limited number of jobs within Canada, with current appedemics such as the Baby boomers living linger lives thatnks to advanced technology and medicinal practices. Immigrants taking over cheap and forced labor. And the over population world wide.
 If this is to go on any further, more then half the population will be unemployed and where does that leave the welfare cheques?

Wednesday, 15 February 2012

Marketing Mix Profile: Apple


  • describe in detail what services/products/ideas they sell
Apple sells eletronics such as; ipods iphone (4) ipad (touch) ipad nano ipod shuffle ipod classic AppleTV MacBook  AirMacBook (Pro)  MacMini  iMac MacPro.

  • describe the price range
  • (i.e. Expensive $5000 gold watch)
  • (i.e. Low Price- "Dollarama")
The ipad 2 cost $519
MacBookAir cost $999
iphone cost $375
MacBookPro costs $1249
AppleTV costs $119

So as you can see, Apple products are not very cheap, however it depends what products are in supply and demand. Mac Books are more in demand because they are a newer product from Apple. Where as regular ipods are cheaper because they are old and are no longer considered the ''in thing''. People are always looking for the next best thing.

  • in general, where are they located?
  • Busy area, conveience, high traffic, etc.
They have a variety of locations. They sell their stuff in electronic companies such as Best Buy and HMV.
Since they are a Canadian company, their headqauters is located in Toronto. Where you place your businesses for marketing is extremely crucial. You wouldn't place a Apple store located in the heart of a rural area. People are too conservative and less interested in current high-selling products. Now, if it were a new farm shop, or a crop market, revenue would sore.


  • what forms of advertising do they use?
  • wjay types of promotions and/or spomsorships do they use?
Commercials, billboards, Twitter, Facebook, iTunes, Youtube.

Apple recently has a new commercial on TV where it shows that it doesn't matter what person you are, where you live, you can still enjoy Apple products.

  • describe who their typical customer is. (i.e. - think of their age, gender, income level, where they come from, interests, education, type of employment...)
Teenagers, people with money. Music inspired people interested in the current fad of music. Urbam up-veat people etc. Basically, anyone with money, not directed to a specific age or gender, but to consumers who are seeking and looking for the next big thing.

  • who is their direct competition?
  • Who is their indirect competition?
  • How do they differ from their competition?
Apple's biggest competition would be Blackberry & Android. Blackberry I find is more expensive then the other brands. However, I find people only spend money on a device which can do the exact same thing as Android and Apple is for the name.
Blackberry recently has recently placed 3rd on the top selling cellphone devices, because of bbm problems. Apple is in high demand, but their products are always changing.
Android sticks to one certain type of device and is completely cheaper.....for now!

Monday, 13 February 2012

Your Consumer Profile:

Segmentation Factor
How you would be described?
Family Life Cycle
           Living at home

Taste in Music
Attitude towards health
Celeb you most admire
           Kim Kardashian
Sports/fitness involvement
Extracurricular activities
Urban, Suburban, Rural

(you may want to think of a particular product that you use often or is new to you)
Benefits sought
Oil of Olay
Use it a-lot
Once a day
Several times
User Status
       Buys one a month

Friday, 10 February 2012

Team Pepsi!

Pepsi and Coke are their top notch competitors. How ever I think Pepsi is in the running to becoming the world's number one leading soft drink in the world, taking over Coke's first place of course.
  So yeah, Coke has cute polar bears they sponser, low-calarie soft drinks and so on and so forth..
However, Pepsi sponsers one of Canada's best veiwing television shows The X Factor ratings over 10 million per show. Pepsi also has a stockmarket called PEPCO, and their is up by almost 60%.
Pepsi sponsers KFC owns big companys such as Lays, Tropicana, Quacker, Doritos and several   other best-selling products on today's market. Most people only drink Coke for the ''name'' not knowing that no-name Cola taste exactly the same, where Pepsi on the other hand, has a more original taste and leaves a great after-taste.
Research has shown that if you put a chicken bone in a glass of Coke, the chicken bone turns to mush, so imagne what it does to your inside body.Pepsi also sponsers it's own hockey league for young hockey players around the world.